Re-Imagining Penn Station
The Void between Penn-Station & MSG
Exhibition at AIA Philadelphia
Published in Pressing Matters 5
Design Team: Jaeho Jin, Yongjae Kim, Wongi Seo
New York, USA
Aug. 2015 - Dec. 2015
University of Pennsylvania
Instructor: Thom Mayne

The project have driven by researching and
speculating about a new developmental
strategy for Penn Station. We analyzed
the historical issues (political, operational)
that caused such severe ruptures in the
Station’s history. Simultaneously, we
have examined the opportunities that
lie within the city’s urban context and
propose a strategy that will address the
social and economic challenges of the
neighborhood. Also, we re-evaluated and
integrated the multiple political
and infrastructural agendas that at once
buoyed and burdened the development of
Penn Station resulting in its current state
of demise. By considering the intersection
of multi-nodal transportation and
planning policy regulations, economics
and social impact, and the previously
proposed development strategies, the
studio have worked to redefine the notion
of what a transportation hub will be for
the next generation.
Penn station has very small volume and disconnected with MSG and other programs above the ground. So, the main issue was how the station and MSG have a new
connection and how we can make maximized volume of the station still keeping the MSG at the existing site. MSG lifted up and has a new organization with void in the
center, so they can have more flexible areas. As MSG and station is merging, they can also, have large area on the top of the roof, as a park for New York city.
Transformation of Programs
With urban ideas based on our researchs, we more focused on the architectural scale of the Penn station. We tried to figure out how the new relationship between MSG and Station with Void can have sorts of transformation progress. Basically, the stadium has its own figure, the stand figure is very clear object to be fixed, but the other part of stadium is able to transform according to the context. The public hall of MSG is located on the front of the street. The frame is easy to recognize as an entrance for people who are using station and by doing this, the station has strong urban axis from west to east. Since our mass has so deep and long length, we thought another entrance of light is needs. And this carving space is connected to pathway for other block’s roof top.